Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Weekend With the Hot Springs, the Waterfall and the Volcano (last weekend in Costa Rica)

I have never had so much fun while exercising in my entire life. Though I was literally hiking miles upon miles, I had an amazing weekend.
When we arrived, we went to a luxury hotel with Hot Springs. I wanted to live there for the rest of my life.

The next morning, we saw this little dude

The next day, we went to one of the most amazing places in the world that  I have seen yet: Cascada La Fortuna. We hiked 320 ridiculously unsafe-looking steps in each direction, but it was all worth it!!

AND as if the day wasn´t already amazingly fun, we drove past and took a boat past an active volcano, Volcan Arenal.

AND as if the weekend was not fun enough, on Sunday we went ZIPLINING!!!!!
We did ziplining, superman style ziplining and the tarzan swing.

Now, I have sore legs, a sore neck and tiredness I can´t shake, but IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!

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